The CV in Austria

In general, Curriculum Vitae consist of 1 or 2 pages. There’s usually a photograph at the top.

There’s a strict chronological order (starting with the most recent studies or working positions giving exact information about them, for example: 1993-: Motor-Tour Enterprise, Area Manager, tasks: purchase of new and used cars), in a clear, professional way. CVs are signed at the bottom.

There should be personal information, studies and working experience, as well as foreign languages and other activities.

In Austrian CVs, the following information should be given (in the same order):

  1. First and last name, address and phone number.
  2. Personal information (birthdate and place, marital status, children and in some cases, name and profession of the parents and religion).
  3. Studies (including primary school (Hauptschule), high school (Gymnasium) and University, if applicable).
  4. Military or civil service, if applicable.
  5. Continuing education.
  6. Foreign languages.
  7. Working experience.
  8. Other activities (sports or politics organizations affiliation, etc.)

If number 8 requires too much space, stick to the activities related to the position you’re going for.

In some cases, Austrian employers want a hand-written CV, but in most cases a printed CV is just fine. Pay attention to the fact that, besides working experience, other studies and activities are included.

If there are blank, non-working periods, it’s important to explain the reasons and what you did during those periods.

In Austria, there used to be an American type of CV (hand-written) called “ausführlicher Lebenslauf”. Nowadays, it’s not widely used, in most cases it’s a standard CV (tabellarischen Lebenslauf). However, if it’s required, remember the basic rules of a typical CV. Be as clear and brief as you can be. Usually a single page will be enough; use 2 pages tops. Pay attention to the language you use; don’t try to look like a perfect worker but make your skills stand out.

Source: (Spanish version)

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