Letter of recommendation example

Candidate’s full name:

ID number:


Writer’s name: Mrs. Rosa Martínez

Position: Arabic Philology Professor

Center: University of Valencia, Spain

Address: 56, Blasco Ibañez Avenue

Phone number: 96 362 00 00

  1. How long have you known the candidate?
  2. Which are his or her skills?
  3. How would you evaluate the candidate’s ability for analisis?Muy superior – Superior – Media – Baja
  4. ¿Cómo evalúa usted la capacidad del candidato para asumir responsabilidad?
  5. High – Intermediate – Low

  6. How would you evaluate the candidate’s attitude towards his or her goals?
  7. Is the candidate the kind of person you’d like to have as a colleague or team partner?

Agree – Disagree

The person writing this letter states Mr.—————— can be considered a good candidate to participate in a future selection process. I recommend this student based on my knowledge of his or her academic performance and personal behaviour.


Source: empleo.universia.es (Spanish version)

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